Some are leaders in local, regional and national writing organizations, including the National Association of Science Writers. Some instructors also teach for our partner, the MA in Writing Program. Their many national awards include those from the Society of Professional Journalists, Best American Essays, National Association of Science Writers, Fulbright Scholarship, Overseas Press Club, National Press Club, Society for Technical Communication, Victor Cohn Prize for Excellence in Medical Science Reporting, and Council for the Advancement and Support of Education.

Guest lecturers and readers have included bestselling authors Ben Goldfarb, Rebecca Skloot, and Dava Sobel; National Public Radio health correspondent Rhitu Chatterjee; Nicholas St. Fleur, a science and medical reporter at STAT; Joel Achenbach and Juliet Eilperin, of The Washington Post; New York Times reporter John Branch; Science News writer Susan Milius; author and magazine writer Shannon Brownlee; award-winning author and journalist Robin Marantz Henig; Debbie Myers, formerly of the Science Channel and Discovery Communications; and Adam Marcus, co-founder of Retraction Watch.

The Science Writing Program is advised by Program Chair Douglas Mao, a Johns Hopkins University Professor of English and the Russ Family Professor in the Humanities.

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