The United States Geospatial Intelligence Foundation has announced its accreditation of the Master of Science in Geospatial Intelligence program at Johns Hopkins University, under its Collegiate Accreditation Program.

JHU’s Advanced Academic Programs offers a 12-course online interdisciplinary Master of Science in Geospatial Intelligence that enables students to learn and lead the profession of geospatial intelligence.
A clear benefit of USGIF accreditation will be the opportunity for Johns Hopkins graduates to demonstrate their knowledge or mastery of the four separate disciplines offered by the USGIF certificate program – Essentials, GIS and Analysis, Remote Sensing and Imagery Analysis, and Data Management. The Johns Hopkins curricula provides a thorough grounding in each of these disciplines.
As the program director, Jack O’Connor, says:
Johns Hopkins, as the oldest research university in the United States, is a place where bringing the limits of the known that can be stated and measured, into relation with the unknown, in the form of difficult intelligence questions, is expected behavior.
The online Geospatial Intelligence program has been designed to create an environment where national and global geospatial practitioners can participate in a unique curriculum, with renowned faculty, to enlarge the limits of the possible; to map new discoveries; and to arrive at new questions that will enlarge the boundaries of the discipline.
Our students have much to offer to all sectors that comprise geospatial intelligence – government, industry, international organizations, NGOs, and advocacy groups.