Hopkins Bloomberg Center
555 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, D.C. 20001

Lucy Jodlowska (MPA-MBA, Middlebury Institute of International Studies) has worked in evaluating, consulting for, and growing social enterprises in Nicaragua, Zambia, Peru, and Uganda. Her focus for the last six years has been the development of mission-oriented revenue streams for non-profits and researching, launching, and scaling for-profit hybrid models with triple bottom line objectives- incorporating social, environmental, and financial benchmarks in core business strategy. Her work and thematic interests likewise include financing components of hybrid models, particularly when it comes to financial innovation, social impact investing, and alternative models of funding social enterprises, as well as choosing and tracking appropriate impact indicators.

Fluent in English, Spanish, and Polish, Jodlowska is a longtime social documentary photographer and passionate about sustainable agriculture & climate change mitigation, which have been integral parts of some of her social enterprise work. She also serves as the Program Director for Wallace Center at Winrock International, which pilots and scales various initiatives in the creation of a healthier, more equitable, and more inclusive 21st-century food system in the United States.

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