Fields of Study
Hopkins Bloomberg Center
555 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, D.C. 20001

At Johns Hopkins, Kristin Bair is a lecturer in the MA in Writing program. A celebrated author, Bair often writes fiercely (and humorously) about women—those navigating the demands of family, ambition, and identity while confronting the patriarchal structures that hold them back.

Bair is the author of three novels, with her fourth, Clementine Crane Prefers Not To, coming out in October 2025. Her novel Agatha Arch Is Afraid of Everything earned a Best New Book recognition from People magazine. She is also the author of The Art of Floating and Thirsty, as well as numerous essays about China, bears, motherhood, off-the-plot expats, and more. Her work has appeared in The Gettysburg Review, The Baltimore Review, The Manifest-Station, Flyway: Journal of Writing and Environment, The Christian Science Monitor, Poets & Writers Magazine, and other publications.

A graduate of Indiana University, Bair holds an MFA in fiction writing from Columbia College Chicago and has a proven track record of helping writers find their voices and shape their strongest material. A native Pittsburgher, Bair now lives north of Boston with her husband and two kids.

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