Hopkins Bloomberg Center
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Washington, D.C. 20001

At Johns Hopkins, Hannah Rogers is a lecturer for the MA in Cultural Heritage Management program.

Rogers is an ethnomusicologist whose research focuses on music touristics in the circum-Caribbean. She uses the global(izing) phenomenon of tourism to theorize contemporary musical identities and relationships between sound, people, ideas, and places. With an undergraduate degree in philosophy and “arts in context,” Rogers’ interest in ethnography, recordings, and national and popular musical narratives led her to an internship in the archives of the Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage. She spent several years working at Maryland Traditions, Maryland’s state folklife program, primarily in the archives but also participating in other areas of the program, including planning and delivering the annual festival. While earning her PhD at the University of Chicago, she taught courses on world music and coordinated EthNoise!, the ethnomusicology workshop.

She has taught in the Johns Hopkins MA in Cultural Heritage Management program since 2019. Rogers holds a Bachelor of Arts from Eugene Lang College and a Master of Arts in the humanities and PhD in ethnomusicology from the University of Chicago. Her dissertation is titled “Resounding Archipelagoes: Music and Tourism in New Orleans and Havana.” She lives in New Orleans and recently co-authored the Oxford Bibliography of Music and Tourism (forthcoming) with Timothy Rommen.

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