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At Johns Hopkins, Barbara Sude is a lecturer in the MS in Intelligence Analysis program.

Sude served more than 30 years with the Central Intelligence Agency, where she specialized in analysis of terrorism, political Islam, Sub-Saharan Africa, and the Middle East. Part of the small cadre of pre-9/11 analysts on al-Qa`ida, she followed the group as a senior analyst at both CIA’s Counterterrorism Center and at the National Counterterrorism Center, where she also evaluated analysis on counterterrorism across the Intelligence Community. As a former senior political scientist at the RAND Corporation, Sude focused on counterterrorism, asymmetric warfare, and refugees.

Sude has given several public presentations and media interviews on counterterrorism issues and is the author of the chapter “Prevention of Radicalization to Terrorism in Refugee Camps and Asylum Centers,” in The Handbook of Terrorism Prevention and Preparedness, International Centre for Counter-Terrorism – The Hague, 2020-2021. She is also the lead author of Lessening the Risk of Refugee Radicalization: Lessons for the Middle East from Past Crises (RAND 2015) and co-author of Knowing the Enemy: Understanding the Islamic State and Principles for Defeating It (RAND 2017) and An Economic Analysis of the Financial Records of al-Qa’ida in Iraq (RAND 2010). She received her BS in Arabic from Georgetown University and her PhD in Near Eastern Studies from Princeton University.

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