Register for Classes
Step 1: Determine Your Status and Enrollment
Activate your JHED account: If you are a new student and you want to register for courses, you will first need to activate your Johns Hopkins Enterprise Directory (JHED) ID and your university student email account. To do this, follow the JHU tutorial for activating your JHED login.
Health Form – Required: All entering students are required to provide proof of immunization to the Student Health and Wellness Center (SHWC). Please complete all forms for verification of immunization. For health forms and instructions go to Advanced Academic Programs – Primary Care. Once forms have been reviewed and all requirements have been met, the health form hold will be removed. Contact the SHWC at [email protected] with any questions.
Once you have set up these accounts, you may proceed with your registration process.
Only students admitted to the Advanced Academic Programs division with an active status may enroll in courses. You are considered an active student if you have enrolled in one of the two previous semesters. A student who does not enroll for two semesters will lose their active status. The student is considered to have withdrawn from the program. To resume taking AAP courses, the student must reapply by submitting a new application form, application fee, and any new application materials required. Reapplying students are subject to the admissions and program requirements in effect at the time of the new application. Acceptance for inactive students is not guaranteed, and courses taken prior to the interruption of studies may not count toward degree requirements.
Student Status Exceptions
There are some exceptions to the enrollment requirement of being an admitted student with an active status. Those conditions are:
Interdivisional: Students in other divisions of Johns Hopkins may take up to two courses in AAP if permitted by their home division, and if space is available. Such students must obtain their adviser’s approval on an Interdivisional Registration form available either from their home school registrar or the Advanced Academic Programs Enrollment Office. Note: Interdivisional registrations will not be processed until after the semester registration deadline. Interdivisional Registrants will then be notified during that time if the courses they wish to register for are full.
If you are an active student, or you fall in one of the two exceptions above, you may proceed with your registration. If you need to verify your student status, please submit the SEAM online form.
Step 2: Understand Your Enrollment Options
Normally, students will enroll in a program course for credit towards a degree. In addition, the following enrollment options exist to students:
Students may register as auditors. Although regular attendance is expected of auditors, they are exempt from quizzes, examinations, and other assigned work, and they receive no credit for the course.
Students who are enrolled for credit but wish to become auditors effect the necessary change by completing a SEAM case before the deadline listed in the Academic Calendars.
There is no reduction in fees when auditing a course. Students who take courses for credit are given enrollment priority over auditors.
Interprogram AAP students wishing to count a course outside their program toward their degree need to obtain adviser permission unless the course is cross-listed in the Course Schedule or otherwise listed as part of shared concentrations. To obtain adviser approval, students must forward to their adviser a written request which includes documentation of course description and any other information that may be helpful in assessing the course’s applicability to a student’s program. The student’s adviser then determines if the requested course is appropriate and whether the student is eligible to take it.
Interdivisional Registration
AAP students who wish to take a course at another Johns Hopkins school/division must submit a SEAM case using the “Interdivisional registration (IDR)” case reason. To ensure that there is time for review and approval from other divisions within Johns Hopkins, the request must be received in the AAP Registration Office no later than two weeks before the first day of class. Advisor approval is required to allow the course to count non-AAP courses toward the AAP degree (excluding curriculum that requires courses from other JHU divisions). To obtain advisor approval, students must forward to their advisor a written request which includes documentation of course description, number of credits, and any other information that may be helpful in assessing the course’s applicability to a student’s program. The student’s advisor then determines if the requested course is appropriate and whether the student is eligible to take it.
Students in other divisions of Johns Hopkins may take up to two courses in AAP if permitted by their home division, and if space is available. Such students must obtain their adviser’s approval on an Interdivisional Registration form available either from their home school registrar or the Advanced Academic Programs Enrollment Office. Note: Interdivisional registrations will not be processed until after the semester registration deadline. Interdivisional Registrants will then be notified during that time if the courses they wish to register for are full.
Many online courses and programs are offered in the Advanced Academic Programs. Several of these programs are fully online. Other programs are considered “mostly” online with a one or two-course on-site residency requirement depending on the program.
Students interested in applying only for courses online should review the details of the on-site requirements (if applicable) for their desired degree at the program home page. To see what courses are being offered online in any given term, please see the Course Schedule.
Course Enrollment Limits
In order to foster high-quality faculty-student interaction, all courses have enrollment limits. Although every effort is made to offer additional sections of oversubscribed courses, this is not always possible. Students may ask to be placed on waiting lists if their desired courses are filled, or they may indicate alternate course selections.
Time Limitation
While registering, be aware that students must complete all coursework in a master’s degree program within five years, calculated from the start of the first course that counts toward the degree. This time limit includes any courses taken at another Hopkins division that have been approved to count toward the degree, whether or not such courses were taken during a student’s studies in the Advanced Academic Programs.
If necessary, students may request from their program committee an extension of time to complete their program beyond the five-year limitation. The request can be found on the Forms page. If an extension is granted, it will be communicated in a letter, and the five-year limit increased by the time included in the extension. All other criteria hold. An extension may be granted for a semester up to a full year, and in rare circumstances for two years.
Step 3: Register for Courses
If you choose to register online, you will need to ensure that you have an active JHED ID and your free Johns Hopkins Outlook Live email account has been activated. To activate your Outlook Live account, follow the JHU tutorial for activating your Hopkins JHED account, or go directly to Please call the Hopkins help desk with any questions or difficulties with your account at 410-516-4357.
Next, visit the SIS Class Search page to find a list of the courses being offered in the upcoming semester. There you can filter your search using a variety of criteria, such as: School, Term, Class Title, Class Number, Level, and more. Keep in mind the degree details of your program as you select which courses you would like to register for. Courses fill early so students are encouraged to return registration materials as soon as possible. Registering early increases the Enrollment Office’s ability to deal with any difficulties with your registration that may arise. Remember that courses with prerequisite requirements can only be taken after completing the requirements or by obtaining adviser approval before you register.
Once you have selected the courses you would like to register for and have ensured your student status, you can begin the actual registration process via self-service in SIS.
Start here to register online and follow instructions. Remember that if you select to pay by credit card online or electronic check (bank transfer), you must enter your payment information at the same time that you register.
You will not be able to return to online to preregistration and submit your payment information at a later time, so have your credit card or a checkbook on hand when you register. Upon completion of your online registration, you may print out a confirmation of your registration for your records. You may also print out payment confirmation if you have paid via credit card or electronic check (bank transfer).
The Late Registration period is defined as the seven days prior to the start of classes and requires a $150 fee. Late registration does not apply for new students who were accepted for that term.
Check the Academic Calendar for late registration deadlines.
If you require registration assistance, please contact us.
Please note: New students registering for their first semester are exempt from this policy.
If the course for which a student is attempting to register has reached its enrollment capacity (no seats available), the student can place themselves on the waitlist. If space becomes available, seats will be offered in the order added to the waitlist. Please note: Being waitlisted for a course is NOT an official registration. Students may not participate in the course unless officially registered. There is no guarantee a waitlisted student will eventually be enrolled in the course.
How to place yourself on the waitlist prior to the first day of classes:
1. Students can place themselves on a waitlist using SIS Self-Service if a class is at enrollment capacity. AAP students are limited to registering for no more than two waitlists at a time.
2. Once added to a waitlist, a student will see their position number under Registration > My Pending Enrollment Requests > My Waitlisted Classes.
3. If a seat becomes available, the student will have 48 hours to add the class after they are notified via their JHU email account.
4. When a student receives an email offering a seat, that puts them into “Waitlist Hold” status, or position “0” of the waitlist. Note: if you are in position “1” on a waitlist and see that there is a seat open in the course, that does not mean you have been offered the seat. Only once you have received an email can you accept a seat for the course.
How to enroll in a class when on “waitlist hold:”
1. Login to SIS Self-Service.
2. Follow the instructions sent in the automated email.
3. Once enrolled, the class will show in “My Course Schedule.”
Once a student receives the email to enroll, they have 48 hours to resolve any conflicts. If a student has a hold on their account, such as a financial, advisory, conditional, or provisional hold, they will not be able to update their status from “Waitlist Hold” to “Enrolled” until that is resolved.
Students with an advisory, provisional, or conditional hold for the semester should work with their adviser for required approval. Submit the request to be added to the waitlisted class with approval attached via SEAM’s online form under the “waitlist inquiry” option.
Students who want to enroll in a fourth class for the semester should work with their adviser for required approval. Submit the request to be added to the waitlisted class with approval attached via SEAM’s online form under the “waitlist inquiry” option.
Students with financial holds need to pay their balance via SIS or work with Student Accounts and/or Financial Aid to resolve the issue via SEAM’s online form.
How to add a waitlisted course once the semester has begun:
Submit the request to be added to the waitlist via SEAM’s online form under the “waitlist inquiry” option. Please make sure to specify any courses that need to be dropped as well.
How to remove yourself from the waitlist:
Before receiving the email that places a student on Waitlist Hold click “Remove from Waitlist” next to the correct course in SIS Self-Service. This will give up your chance of getting a seat.
Once an AAP student removes themselves from a waitlist, they will be able to register for an additional waitlist, up to a total of two waitlists per semester.
Step 4: Paying for Your Courses
Please keep this in mind when registering. The fastest and most secure way to register and pay for classes is by using SIS Student Self-Service. The Billing section on SIS allows you to view your student account balance, review your statement history, make online tuition and fee payments, and print your student bill or receipt. Also, you can allow others access to your billing account enabling you to set up authorized payers to view/pay the account. After you have set up users it is your responsibility to share the assigned login and password with additional viewers. This feature is most useful for employer tuition payments.
If registering by email, mail or fax, please note your method of payment on the AAP Registration form and sign it prior to submission. Credit Card information can not be written or submitted using this form. Please submit your credit card payment using SIS.
Using SIS you can pay for your classes with the check, credit card, employer tuition remission or reimbursement, JHU tuition remission, or through financial aid.
Make the check payable to The Johns Hopkins University for the total amount due. We encourage you to register conveniently and securely online.
Returned and Post Dated Checks A check not honored by the bank is subject to a $25 returned check fee. The University reserves the right to require a cashier or certified check on future payments. The University does not accept post-dated checks.
Also, we encourage you to pay by check conveniently and securely using SIS. The processing time for e-check payments is approximately three business days.
Registering online allows you to pay immediately and securely via credit card. We accept the following credit card payment methods: MasterCard, Visa, American Express, and Discover.
A copy of the contract must be sent to the Advanced Academic Programs registration office in Washington, D.C. Students whose tuition is paid by employer contract should begin processing requests with their employers well before registration deadlines to ensure that documents are ready at the time of registration. If you have a question about timelines, please contact the AAP Enrollment Office.
Many employers provide tuition reimbursement for their employees; that is, the employer reimburses the employee for the cost of the course once the course has been completed. In this case, students must pay for the course at the time of registration with their own funds and request reimbursement from the employer at the appropriate time.
Employer reimbursement is not a method of payment for registration.
Students requesting financial aid must assume responsibility for payment if the aid is not finalized. Financial aid information and instructions can be found here, or students can call 410-516-8028 or contact online at
Students receiving tuition remission benefits from Johns Hopkins University should read the contract carefully. Call the Benefits Office to address any questions: 410-516-2000 or [email protected]. This form should be forwarded to the JHU Student Accounts office: (Mail) Garland Hall, Room B31, 3400 N. Charles St., Baltimore, MD 21218, (Fax) 410-516-4322.
Students may elect to withdraw from one or more courses. Refunds apply only to the tuition portion of a student’s charges, excluding the field trip, lab, or technical fees, and are calculated from the date the student’s written request for withdrawal is received by AAP’s Registration Office. See the refund schedule and policy here.
Students may drop classes online via SIS > Registration> Add/Drop. Please note that all fees are non-refundable after classes have begun.
Step 5: Important Follow-Up Actions
If you have followed steps 1 through 4 successfully, you have now initiated the registration process, but you are not yet done. Here are some important actions and dates to keep in mind to ensure a smooth registration process.
Once your registration has been officially processed. You may visit SIS self-service and click the ‘Registration’ tab and ‘My Class Schedule’ to confirm your enrollment. You may click on the ‘Billing’ tab and then ‘Account Statement’, to print your student bill. For billing transaction inquiries, please contact the Homewood office of Student Accounts.
If you are a student enrolled in your first online course with Advanced Academic Programs, you are required to take and pass a week-long orientation course. This course is free and held entirely online at the beginning of semesters.
Students who have not previously taken an Advanced Academic Programs online course will be automatically enrolled in the AAP Canvas Orientation course as soon as they register. The orientation should be completed prior to the start of the term.
Students will receive instructions via email about how to access and complete the orientation. The orientation course will prepare them to use all the tools in the course management system and reinforce the study skills and communication strategies that make an online student successful. Students must complete the orientation successfully so that they can participate fully in their graduate online course.
Students may add or drop courses online using SIS through the end of the add/drop period. Beginning the fourth week of the semester students should submit a SEAM Case to withdraw from classes.
The Office of Enrollment Services does not accept add/drop requests or schedule adjustments via email. In order to change a course enrollment from credit to audit, you must submit a SEAM case using the “Audit or Pass/Fail grade inquiry” case reason.
Requests will be processed for the appropriate refund based on the date they are received by the AAP Enrollment Office. Please review the refund schedule found in Step 3 for important information about refunds.
Textbooks should be purchased and be in hand prior to the first day of class, both for on-site and online courses.
Visit the MBS Direct online store to begin purchasing your textbooks. The bookstore opens 4 weeks before the start of the semester/term. If your book is not listed at that time, no textbook information has been entered by the instructor. If that is the case, keep checking back as information is updated daily before the semester start. Orders can also be placed by phone 800-325-3252 or fax 800-499-0143.
Students can access any Hopkins Library by using their official “JCard” as ID and library card. New students receive the J-Card in the mail during the first few weeks of the term. Students who are Hopkins employees at locations other than the Homewood campus use their divisional library or library/ID card. To learn more, visit Johns Hopkins Libraries.
If you are a student with a disability, you may request accessibility accommodations. To ensure that proper arrangements are in place at the beginning of classes, students with accommodation requests should follow the procedures outlined with Student Disability Services.