Biotechnology Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Degree Details & Courses
This 40-credit Master of Biotechnology Enterprise and Entrepreneurship degree is composed of 6 Required Core Courses, 1 Customizable Core Course, and 3 Elective Courses. Within the Required Core Courses is the culminating experience of a Practicum. In addition, you can choose to pursue the optional Area of Concentration:
Biotechnology Legal/Regulatory
Core Courses - Required
Complete all 6 courses.
This foundational biotechnology course provides the biotechnology student an introduction to the business of biotechnology, from scientific discovery through product launch and subsequent organizational and scientific pipeline growth. The course introduces the biotechnology student to various disciplines and activities (such as funding, research and development, biomanufacturing, commercialization) for biotechnology enterprise formation, development, and operation. A course-long project involving several assignments that include aspects of a biotechnology organizational simulation is reflected in a student learning organization (SLO) construct. Course Prerequisites: AS.410.601 Biochemistry or equivalent, AS.410.602 Molecular Biology or equivalent, AS.410.603 Advanced Cell Biology or equivalent, or approval of program committee.
This course provides an extensive overview of a process for the development of a pharmaceutical by a biotechnology company or pharmaceutical company. The course emphasizes the importance of intellectual property, the basic sciences underpinning the development of a product, and the importance of the interaction between a company and the Food and Drug Administration. Students learn to appreciate the importance of quality control and assurance, good manufacturing practices, preclinical and clinical testing, and the lengthy regulatory processes that govern the development, manufacturing, and eventual sale of biotechnological products. Hands-on solving of practical problems and guest lecturers who are experts in the field familiarize students with the intricacies of the process. Prerequisites: 410.303 Bioscience for Regulatory Affairs, OR 410.601 Biochemistry and 410.603 Advanced Cell Biology I or admission to the MS in Regulatory Science OR Master of Biotechnology Enterprise and Entrepreneurship programs. SCI
This course introduces students to the strategic and tactical approaches used in the marketing of biotechnological produce and services. Students gain a thorough understanding of the research and planning necessary to develop a marketing plan, the relationship between the marketing and sales functions, the difference between marketing a scientific product and a scientific service, pricing strategies, distribution alternatives, communications, promotion, and the importance of perception. Knowledge of marketing terminology and techniques proves helpful to anyone in the industry.
Students will build an understanding of the basics of contemporary global monetary systems and the essentials of financial management. This course will include the means to develop a working knowledge of the critical financial factors for decision-makers from the perspectives of key stakeholders. The syllabus is designed to provide students with limited or no background in finance an opportunity to establish an understanding of financial basics and communicate clearly in financial terms when conducting business. This course is uniquely designed to meet the current needs of those leading the global life science industry. SCI
This course provides an overview of the important ethical, legal, and regulatory issues that are critical to the biotechnology industry. The course shares current trends and essential elements of ethics, legal issues, and regulations in a way that allows for an appreciation of how each influences the others. Students will examine core ethical values that guide the practice of science in the biotechnology industry. The course will provide an overview of legal issues, such as protecting inventions, intellectual property, licensing, and the range of regulatory oversight mechanisms with which the biotech industry must comply. This course will review the implications of strategic ethical, legal, and regulatory choices that add value to the biotechnology firm, customers, and society.
This course synthesizes the knowledge and skills acquired in the Masters of Biotechnology Enterprise and Entrepreneurship program while offering a real-world examination of a bioscience organization and the issues it faces. Students will form interdisciplinary teams and work with faculty and industry professionals on an authentic and current project from a local bioscience public or private company, an entrepreneurial startup, or a nonprofit organization. This course is only open to students completing the Master of Biotechnology Enterprise and Entrepreneurship program.
Core Course - Customizable
Choose 1 of these courses:
The roles of managers and leaders within biotechnology companies undergo constant change. Biotechnology managers and leaders must engage in new and innovative problem-solving strategies, lead a diverse and global workforce, develop partnerships with other businesses, customers, and competitors, manage horizontally and across teams, and utilize technology to a competitive advantage. The student is able to address and cure challenges in his/her own organization and learn methods of implementing change, such as negotiation techniques and motivation. The course includes in-depth discussions of leadership skills, communication, conflict resolution, and goal integration. Students research a biotechnology organization, analyze what is working and not working within its management systems, and suggest alternatives.
As bioscience companies grow and mature, leadership needs to evolve. Students will learn how to identify their company’s position in the “Leadership Life Cycle” and learn how to select the right leadership capabilities based on their current organizational needs. Research shows that the right leaders at the right time dramatically improve organizational success. Discussions will address the leadership needs of organizations from early-stage, research-based companies through fully integrated biopharmaceuticals. General leadership practices and strategies, moving ideas from the research bench to the consumer, and strategies to prevent failure will all be discussed.
Elective Courses
You will choose 3 electives from the courses listed within the Area of Concentration below, or from the list of more than 100 general biotechnology electives and science elective courses. Note whether the electives you are considering include any prerequisites and speak with your adviser if you have any additional questions.
Area of Concentration
You may choose to pursue the optional Area of Concentration: Biotechnology Legal/Regulatory. To qualify, you must select 3 courses from this Area of Concentration.