Fall Term 2025 and Spring Term 2026 Applications Now Open
MA in Cultural Heritage Degree Details and Courses
This 30-credit Master of Arts degree is composed of 3 Required Core Courses, 3 Customizable Core Courses, and 4 Elective Courses.
We recognize the transdisciplinarity nature of the field and we encourage you to customize your studies to meet your unique career goals and trajectory. You’ll work with an adviser to design a course of study that best suits your needs and interests.
Core Courses - Required
Complete all 3 courses.
Regarding the two-week onsite seminar, this course is a unique type of compressed-format experience that has been identified as an intensive learning opportunity. There may be additional expenses beyond tuition to consider, including travel to and from the location, accommodations, and meals, as well as any specified field trip fees as detailed during the course registration process.
A two-week intensive period of on-ground heritage management study in a location organized by the MA in Cultural Heritage Management program. The seminar includes practicum opportunities related to site management, heritage tourism, and conservation alongside classroom sessions that integrate daily experiences. Using the rich diversity of the designated location, the seminar provides students with the chance to use what they have learned in their prior courses, develop networks with fellow students and heritage experts, and explore the latest in cultural heritage practice.
Seminars require some assignments and activities before arriving onsite. Students work on directed activities during the 10 days/ two weeks, coupled with multiple site visits focused on the academic work being accomplished. Daily journal entries and a post-seminar reflection paper require students to synthesize knowledge gained across their courses in the Cultural Heritage Management program.
Note: As a prerequisite, students must have completed at least six courses in the program, including 465.702 and 465.704 . Students are responsible for travel to and from the location, accommodations, meals, and any specified field trip fees.
Waiver option: Students unable to participate in the onsite seminar must enroll in the internship course (465.780) and complete a synthesis paper to fulfill related components of the MA degree requirements.
Core Courses - Customizable
Choose 3 courses:
A Neolithic settlement in Scotland, at risk due to coastal erosion, is digitally preserved through precise 3D laser scanning; the construction of the massive towers at Cologne Cathedral is brought to life with digital photogrammetry and augmented reality; multilayered cultural heritage information, images, and damage assessments are catalogued in open source databases. These are just a few examples of how a growing number of scholars, researchers, and practitioners are using the latest technology as a means to document, visualize, interpret, and preserve cultural heritage worldwide.
This course will explore the ways in which cultural heritage professionals are implementing the latest digital technologies to enhance research, conservation, management and preservation of tangible and intangible heritage, as well as methods of education and engagement for visitors. Through lectures, readings, assignments, and social media, students will identify, analyze and debate the use of documentation, visualization and content creation technology currently being used in the cultural heritage engagement, studies and practice, as well as envision its use for the future.
Elective Courses
Select 4 Electives.
For your convenience, some electives are presented as a collection of related courses within a Focus Area. These curated collections will help you to identify the targeted knowledge and experiences available to distinguish yourself in your field. Once admitted, your academic adviser can help you to optimize your elective course selections based on your educational objectives.
This program has curated four Focus Areas:
• Cultural Resource Management
• Parks and People
• Outreach and Interpretation
• Global Heritage
Alternatively, you may select additional Core Courses as electives. You may also wish to examine and select up to 2 AAP courses outside of this degree program to count toward your electives; for example, all MA in Museum Studies degree courses are eligible electives. Please confer with your academic adviser when considering potential alternatives.
Focus Area Electives: Cultural Resource Management
You can pull together a suite of courses that satisfy the Professional Qualification Standards that CRM professionals must meet including the educational requirements of 36 CFR 61 federal qualification criteria.
In addition to the elective courses listed below, this program's Customizable Core Course - 465.740 - has content relevant to this Focus Area.
The supervised research course enables students to investigate a significant problem or issue in cultural heritage and to develop and demonstrate leadership, critical thinking, and communication skills. The research project is expected to result in a written deliverable that makes a contribution to the field of cultural heritage broadly defined. Coursework, assignments, and meetings with a faculty member will take place in an online course environment. This course is normally completed toward the end of the degree program.
Potential students for this course must complete the Turning Your Topic Into A Good Research Question Research Skills Module and submit a Research Proposal/ question form prior to registering. On this form, students will describe their topic and research question. Please reach out to your academic advisor in order to complete this step. The course instructor will review the proposals and determine project appropriateness and enrollment eligibility. Students will register for this course through the add/drop form.
This course is recommended for students seeking to satisfy 36 CFR 61 federal qualification standards. These are standards used by the National Park Service previously published in the Code of Federal Regulations.
The jobs of History, Archaeology and Architectural History include the following minimal professional qualifications (respectively):
- Substantial contribution through research and publication to the body of scholarly knowledge in the field of history.
- Demonstrated ability to carry research to completion.
- Substantial contribution through research and publication to the body of scholarly knowledge in the field of American architectural history.
Focus Area Electives: Parks and People
In addition to the elective courses listed below, this program's Customizable Core Courses - 465.707, 465.730, and 465.732 - each have content relevant to this Focus Area.
Focus Area Electives: Outreach and Interpretation
In addition to the elective course listed below, this program's Customizable Core Courses - 465.720, 465.730 and 465.732 - and this program's Elective Courses - 465.734 and 465.746 - each have content relevant to this Focus Area.
Focus Area Electives: Global Heritage
In addition to the elective course listed below, this program's Customizable Core Course - 465.710 - and this program's Elective Courses - 465.720, 465.734, and 465.746 - each have content relevant to this Focus Area.
Students should be aware of state-specific information for online programs. For more information, please contact an admissions representative.