In the case of rare or exceptional cases, a refund request may be granted based on documented requests in which extenuating circumstances significantly impaired the student’s ability to complete the term, and a full or partial tuition refund may be provided.

Such circumstances include, but are not limited to, debilitating illness, family hardships, or other significant life changes (e.g., death in student’s immediate family, care for seriously ill family member, military deployment, etc.).

Refund policy appeals must be submitted and received no later than the last day of the semester of the very next semester. All supporting documentation and a thoroughly written explanation for the appeal must be included. The appeal will be reviewed by the Associate and Assistant Deans of AAP or designee. Review times may vary depending upon the complexity of the appeal. Average review times for appeals range from four to six weeks from the date received. All decisions are final.

All supporting documentation should be sent to [email protected]. Please see the bottom of the form for more information about what the documentation should include.

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

  • Please include each full course number and course title.
  • Refund Course #1: Course Number, Section, Title (e.g., AS.4xx.3xx.5x):
  • Refund Course #2: Course Number, Section, Title (e.g., AS.4xx.3xx.5x):
  • Refund Course #3: Course Number, Section, Title (e.g., AS.4xx.3xx.5x):
  • Refund Course #4: Course Number, Section, Title (e.g., AS.4xx.3xx.5x):
    • Create a document providing a brief explanation of the circumstances beyond your control, why you feel an exception would be justified, and please state your desired outcome.
    • Appropriate supporting documentation for medical reasons is a letter from your physician detailing dates of care and your fitness to attend class.
    • Appropriate documentation for military reasons should include a copy of your orders.
    • If you are citing misinformation, please include emails or other documentation to support your petition.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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