3400 N Charles Street, Wyman Building, Baltimore, MD 21218

Dr. Michael Mauk is an experienced researcher, instructor, consultant, and registered professional electrical engineer. He earned his Ph.D. in Applied Sciences with a focus in electrical engineering from the University of Delaware and also holds master’s degrees in chemistry, biomedical diagnostics, and microbiology and cell science. Dr. Mauk is also an alumnus of the Advanced Academic Programs’ M.S. in Biotechnology program. He currently holds the title of Senior Research Associate at the University of Pennsylvania, where he studies microfluidics, microfabrication, process modeling, and clinical diagnostic devices. Dr. Mauk’s other research interests include renewable energy, optoelectronics, bioassays, and thermal imaging. He has taught at universities both in the US and abroad, including Drexel University and Beijing University of Chemical Technology. In addition to having authored over 100 publications, he has served as a reviewer for numerous scientific journals and was most recently a guest editor for Micromachines’ special issue on Microfluidic Nucleic Acid Analysis. Dr. Mauk currently teaches Nanobiotechnology and Microfluidics and Biosensors at the AAP.

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