Grading System

The grading scale for students enrolled for credit is A, A-, B+, B, B-, C, and F. Grades F and C are not removed from a student’s transcript even if a course is repeated.

AAP Grading System

Students are graded under the following system:

Grade Meaning Equivalent
A 4.00
A- 3.70
B+ 3.30
B 3.00
B- 2.70
C 2.00
F Failure 0.00
P Pass
I Incomplete
IP In Progress
W Withdrawal
AU Audit
NG No Grade

Performance Standards

Only one C may count toward a master’s degree or graduate certificate, and it must be in an elective course. A C in a core course cannot fulfill a core course requirement for a master’s degree or graduate certificate.

If a student earns a grade of C or below in a course, the student may repeat that course. Both the original grade and the repeated course grade will appear on the student’s transcript, and AAP will apply the higher grade toward degree requirements.

AAP holds non-degree seeking students—for example, those who satisfy all requirements for admission to degree candidacy but who choose not to seek a degree—to the same performance standards as degree candidates.

Good Academic Standing

Good academic standing requires a combination of the following:

  • No more than one C as a final grade, with all other final grades being a B- or higher.
  • Only one C in an elective course may count toward a master’s degree or graduate certificate. A C in a core course cannot fulfill a core course requirement for a master’s degree or graduate certificate.
  • Consistent enrollment in courses, with at least one completed course every three semesters (including summer), unless on an approved leave of absence.
  • Clear progress toward completing degree coursework within the 5-year time limitation, aside from any time spent on an approved leave of absence.

Academic Probation

Academic probation may result from any of the following:

  • The following earned cumulative grades:
    • Two final grades of a C, or
    • One final grade of an F.
  • Four consecutive semesters of enrollment (including summer) without a single completed course, except when a student is on an approved leave of absence. Withdrawals do not count as a completed course.

Students on academic probation who meet all degree requirements and performance standards are permitted to graduate.

If a student replaces a grade of a C or lower with a B- or higher in a retaken course, the original grade will no longer count toward academic probation.

Returning to Good Academic Standing from Academic Probation

Students on academic probation can return to good academic standing. Students placed on probation can retake any course in which they earned a C or below. If a student replaces a grade of a C or lower with a B- or higher in a retaken course, the original grade will no longer count toward academic probation. Students may attempt no more than two retakes during their program of study at AAP; they may not apply both retakes to the same course.

  • If a student earns a grade of B– or above in the repeated course, AAP will remove the student’s probationary status.
  • Both the original grade and the repeated course grade will appear on the student’s transcript, and AAP will apply the higher grade toward degree requirements.
  • If a student receives an additional grade of C or lower before a course is repeated and completed, AAP will dismiss the student.
  • Students on academic probation due to four accumulated semesters of withdrawals must complete two semesters of coursework with earned grades of B- or higher.

Academic Dismissal

The following situations result in academic dismissal from the program:

  • Students with good academic standing who earn the following grades:
    • Three grades of C or below; or
    • One F and one C; or
    • Two grades of F
  • Students who are already on probation and earn an additional grade of C or below.
  • Students who are already on probation due to accumulated withdrawals and experience a fifth consecutive semester (including summer) without completing a course with an earned grade of B- or higher.

If a student replaces a grade of a C or lower with a B- or higher in a retaken course, AAP will no longer count the original grade toward academic dismissal.

Dismissed students may apply immediately to another program in Advanced Academic Programs. Admission is not guaranteed. A dismissed student must wait one year from the date of dismissal before reapplying for admission to the program from which they have been dismissed. Readmission is not guaranteed.

Incomplete Grades

Students who experience extenuating circumstances that prevent them from completing coursework within a given term may request an Incomplete (I) grade from their instructor. An approval of an incomplete grade request is neither automatic nor guaranteed.

To receive an “I” in a course, the student must at the minimum have a passing grade in the coursework completed at the time of the request and receive instructor approval.

Learn more about how to request an incomplete grade.

A student must request an Incomplete grade from the instructor in writing on or before the last day of the semester. An Incomplete grade can’t be formally granted until after the Withdraw/Audit deadline. Requests must include an explanation of the extenuating circumstances. The Instructor has the right to ask for documentation. All documentation must be submitted to the Office of Student Affairs for evaluation to safeguard student privacy, not directly to the instructor.

If the instructor, after consultation with the Program Director (or designee), determines that circumstances warrant an Incomplete grade, the Instructor and the student will complete the Request for Incomplete Grade form. This form outlines the reason for the Incomplete, the remaining work to be done, and the deadline. The instructor also indicates the grade the student will earn if he or she fails to complete the outstanding assignments.

The instructor establishes the conditions for resolving the missing work. It is the student’s responsibility to submit all work at the agreed-upon time. If a student does not complete the missing course work within 60 days from the last day of the term, the “I” will automatically convert to the grade indicated by the instructor on the Request for Incomplete Grade form.

Students with incomplete grades in required courses for degree completion at the date of degree conferral will not graduate. Students with incomplete grades in courses that are not required for degree completion may still graduate. However, the deadline for completion is abbreviated; students must resolve incomplete grades within 30 days after the date of degree conferral, which is when the university closes their graduate record.

Grade Appeals

Grades are awarded for an individual student’s academic work during each semester based on that individual’s mastery of the course content. Grades are determined by faculty, and AAP will not override an instructor’s considered academic judgment when it comes to grade award decisions. Unhappiness with the grade is not a sufficient basis for a grade appeal.

Facts considered during a grade appeal include but are not limited to: (1) verification that there was not an error in recording the grade or (2) whether the grade was a result of a faculty member’s failure to follow the syllabus, assignment guidelines, or other instructions provided by the instructor for assigning grades.

Grade appeals on the basis of discrimination are not within the purview of this policy. Students should send concerns regarding discrimination directly to the Office of Institutional Equity (OIE).

Grade appeals can only occur after a student has been granted a final grade for the course and appeals in a timely manner including all appropriate documentation. The appeal and supporting documentation must be submitted within 30 calendar days after the student’s final course grade has been posted.

Prior to submitting the appeal, the student must first contact the instructor to attempt to resolve the disputed grade. If the instructor and the student are unable to reach an agreement, or if the instructor does not respond to the student’s attempt to contact them, the student may submit a formal appeal to the AAP Grade Appeal Committee [email protected]. The student should work with their advisor to prepare necessary documentation for submission, which include a student’s statement justifying the grade appeal along with all related supporting documentation. [Note: In the event that the course instructor is also the student’s faculty advisor, an alternative mediator will be identified by the Program Director and/or the Faculty and Academic Affairs Officer.]

Once the formal appeal has been submitted, the AAP Grade Appeal Committee has 10 business days to verify that the appeal meets the above criteria and all documentation has been submitted.  Once the appeal is verified as complete, the AAP Grade Appeal Committee will reach out to the instructor for clarification of the grade; the instructor has 7 business days to respond.  The AAP Grade Appeal Committee then has 14 business days from the time of the instructor’s response to determine whether the disputed grade should be changed or retained and inform the student and the instructor of its decision. If the committee supports the appeal, the instructor has 10 business days to complete any work directed by the committee and update the grade.

The committee’s decision is final. Limited appeals to the Associate Dean following a committee decision are possible only if (1) the timeline or process for the grade appeal was not followed, (2) the instructor did not follow the guidelines set forth in the appeal decision, or (3) if new evidence is made available after the AAP Grade Appeal Committee decision. A student submitting a limited appeal of the Committee decision must submit a statement and supporting documentation to the [email protected] mailbox. This appeal must be made within 10 business days of the receipt of the AAP Grade Appeal Committee’s decision to deny the appeal or of the resubmission of the student’s grade.

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