Admissions Criteria

  • A bachelor’s degree from an accredited U.S. college or university, or equivalent international credential
  • A minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale

How to Apply

Congratulations on reaching this milestone as you work to further your educational journey with Johns Hopkins University. Here are the steps you will need to follow as you apply for your graduate program. Please visit the How to Apply page for additional information.

  • Complete the Application.
  • Gather and upload the required supporting materials.
  • Submit the application along with the $75 application fee.

Start your Application

Required Supporting Materials

Please include any full- or part-time work, internships, and relevant volunteer history. Be sure to detail your educational background and any previous responsibilities related to your intended program.

Johns Hopkins University Advanced Academic Programs accepts official transcripts that are electronically sent directly from the granting institution and emailed to [email protected]. If your institution does not provide electronic transcripts, request that your institution send an official transcript directly to:

Johns Hopkins University

Advanced Academic Programs

851 Trafalgar Court

Suite 420 West

Maitland, FL 32751

Please provide a statement, up to one page in length, describing your personal background and/or a part of your life experience that has shaped you or your goals. Feel free to elaborate on personal challenges and opportunities that have influenced your decision to pursue a graduate degree at Johns Hopkins.

Please identify two individuals, such as professors or supervisors, who can verify your professional and/or academic accomplishments. Submit your recommenders’ contact information within your online application. They will be emailed automatically with instructions to access the system and provide their recommendations.

As part of your application to the MA in Communication program, you are required to submit a writing sample. There are two options available to fulfill this requirement.

Option A: You may submit a final paper from previous coursework. The submission should be relevant to the field of Communication and should be written only by you, the applicant, (no co-authors or group projects).

Option B: You may submit a response to the application writing prompt (below). Your response should be no longer than a single page and should not require or use any external sources or citations.

Writing prompt for Option B:

Social, cultural, and technological changes have always impacted how we communicate. Looking toward the next five to ten years, discuss how you anticipate the needs and expectations of communication professionals to change. What kinds of problems and opportunities should communication professionals expect and how should we prepare for these uncertain developments?

Additional Considerations

Applicants who received their bachelor’s degree in a country outside of the United States or have international coursework are required to provide a course-by-course credential evaluation. Studying abroad may be exempt.

If English is your second language, you may be required to take the TOEFL or IELTS examination. Please note this program requires a minimum online TOEFL test score of 100.

Take the Next Step

Master the art of communication and learn how to craft and share compelling messages that will cut through the noise to reach your target audience.

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