Published August 11, 2023

graphic of paper airplanesAt every level of management, effective leaders are essential to organizational success. Whether they’re in the public, private, or non-profit sector—guiding an entire enterprise or a small team—the most successful leaders are those who blend a deep understanding of their organizations with the knowledge and skills needed to oversee diverse teams, manage projects efficiently, and make the strategic decisions that enhance organizational performance.

One way to develop that understanding and expertise is through a graduate education in organizational leadership, which offers insight into the interpersonal and strategic aspects of leadership, including the mechanisms of effective teamwork and efficient organizational structures, workforce development, crisis mitigation, internal communication, ethical decision-making, and more.

Is a Master’s in Organizational Leadership Worth It?

The answer largely depends on your career goals and aspirations. For many, the increasing complexity of the workplace and the rising demand for skilled leaders make a graduate degree in organizational leadership a valuable investment.

Career Prospects With a Master’s in Organizational Leadership

The skills honed and knowledge developed in a professional graduate program are beneficial and transferable at almost every level of an organization and across many industries and fields.

In the private sector, human resources, project management, and executive leadership roles are a natural fit for those with a master’s degree in organizational leadership. In the public and non-profit sectors, a graduate education in organizational leadership can prepare you to excel and advance within educational organizations, government bodies, the military, and non-profits.

Sample Careers and Salaries

A few of the many careers that can benefit from expertise in organizational leadership:

Executive Roles: The chief executive officer position requires an advanced understanding of organizational structure, team management, and strategic decision-making. CEO salaries range from $153,430 at the mid-level to $389,922 for senior-level CEOs. Other executive roles that benefit from organizational leadership expertise are chief operating officer and chief information officer.

Human Resources Manager: HR managers plan, direct, or coordinate human resources activities and staff. Understanding and managing interpersonal dynamics is critical in this role, making a master’s in organizational leadership a great fit. The median wage for HR managers is $124,654, while the most experienced managers typically earn $241,348.

General and Operations Manager: Such managers plan, direct, or coordinate the operations of public or private sector organizations, overseeing multiple departments or locations. The median wage is $97,606, while senior-level managers typically earn $207,988.

Medical and Health Services Manager: This role is responsible for directing and coordinating health services in hospitals, clinics, managed care organizations, public health agencies, or similar organizations. The median wage is $99,605, while senior-level medical and health services managers typically earn $207,136. Jobs in this field are growing faster than average, at 1.81% per year.

Administrative Services Managers: In this role, managers plan, direct, or coordinate one or more administrative services of an organization, such as records and information management, mail distribution, and other office support services. The median wage is $100,015, while senior level managers typically earn $169,105.

Career and compensation data included above are supplied by Lightcast. You can get more details by using the online Career Outlook tool provided by Johns Hopkins University’s MS in Organizational Leadership program.

The Path Forward With a Master’s in Organizational Leadership

Johns Hopkins’ innovative MS in Organizational Leadership program is led by JHU’s exceptional faculty and is flexibly designed to meet the needs of working professionals. Contact admissions to learn more or apply today.

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