Baltimore Homewood Campus
Situated in Baltimore, the beautiful and sprawling Homewood Campus represents the main campus of Johns Hopkins University’s Zanvyl Kreiger School of Arts and Sciences.
About the Campus
The Homewood Campus is home to a large and diverse student population of undergraduate and full and part-time graduate students.
View Homewood Visitor Information.
Library Services
The Sheridan Libraries encompass the Milton S. Eisenhower Library and its collections at the Albert D. Hutzler Reading Room in Gilman Hall, the John Work Garrett Library at Evergreen House, and the George Peabody Library at Mt.Vernon Place. Together these collections provide the major research library resources for the university. The Sheridan Libraries also provide a rich array of resources and services for part-time and full-time students. The Milton S. Eisenhower Library is the university’s principal research library and the largest of a network of libraries at Hopkins. A repository of nearly three million books and over 55,000 print and electronic journal subscriptions, it also employs the latest information technology to offer users access anytime and anywhere to resources ranging from ancient texts to the latest scientific reports. The mission of the Sheridan Libraries is to advance research and teaching at The Johns Hopkins University by providing information resources, instruction, and services.
Interlibrary Services (ILS) provides access to materials not owned by the Eisenhower Library. ILS will contact other libraries to borrow books or have articles electronically delivered to you. All current faculty, students, and staff with a JHU library card are eligible for free, unlimited use of Interlibrary Services. Materials can be obtained from other JHU libraries and from libraries outside of the JHU system. For more information on current hours of operation and other services, please visit the libraries’ website.
Tutoring Services
AAP has partnered with to provide 24/7 online writing tutoring. You can log on and meet a tutor live, schedule a future appointment, or drop off your assignment for comments and review. Log onto Canvas and click the “AAP Student Resources” Organization to access this resource.
Hopkins IT Services (HITS) operates two shared resource computer systems: a Silicon Graphics Challenge-L server running the UNIX operating system (JHUNIX) and an SGI Challenge-L which is optimized for intensive statistical and mathematical applications (APSERV1). In addition, students may use laboratories containing workstations and personal computers with access to the servers. The range of HITS services, equipment, and instruction can be found at Johns Hopkins Information Technology website.
Hopkins Student Union
The Hopkins Student Union is located in Levering Hall and the Glass Pavilion and offers various programs and activities for students, faculty, staff, and friends of the university. Levering Hall also contains a complete dining facility that serves snacks and sandwiches during the late afternoon and early evening and hot meals during lunchtime.
Evening Food Service
Three venues are open in the evening for sandwiches and salads. Café Q on the quad level of the Milton Eisenhower Library serves gourmet coffee and teas, and daily packaged sandwiches, salads, and sushi. The Mattin Center, located behind Krieger and Maryland halls near Charles Street, offers a café in its theater wing, serving a broader range of dinner items. Lastly, The Space Telescope Science Institute maintains the Azafran restaurant.
Security Services
The Blue Jay Shuttle is available from Brody Learning Commons 5:50 – 11:30 p.m. daily. From 11:30 – 3:45 a.m., the Night Ride service is available to pick up and deliver students and faculty to and from locations within the service area. This is an on-demand service. Please call 410-516-8700 to request a Night Ride.
Emergency telephone stands with blue lights are located at 113 locations around the campus. These phones open a direct line to the security office as soon as the receiver is lifted or the button pushed, and an alarm sounds. There are security officers patrolling 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. To reach the security office, call 410-516-4600. In case of an emergency call 410-516-7777.
Evening students and faculty have a number of options for on-campus parking. For further information and a parking map visit the JHU Homewood Parking website or call 410-516-PARK. The Parking Office is located in the South Garage, on the south end of campus, under the Decker Quadrangle. Office hours are Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. – 10 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday 10 a.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Homewood Campus

3400 N. Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21218-2685