Paul Zandbergen
Dr. Paul Zandbergen obtained his PhD in resource management and environmental studies from the University of British Columbia in 1998. Currently, he is a professor in the GIS program at Vancouver Island University. His teaching includes courses in introductory GIS, spatial analysis and modeling, spatial statistics, and GIS programming. His area of expertise can be broadly defined as geographic information science. His research focuses on issues of scale, error, and uncertainty in spatial analysis and the robustness of spatial analytical techniques.
His long-term interest is to contribute to the development of robust spatial-analytic techniques in the areas of crime, environmental science, public health, spatial ecology, and water resources. His research has been funded by the National Science Foundation, the National Institute of Justice, and the National Institutes of Health. He has published over 40 journal articles and book chapters. He is the author of Python Scripting for ArcGIS and Python Scripting for ArcGIS Pro with Esri Press.