In the 2022 annual newsletter produced by AAP’s Geographic Information Systems and Environmental Sciences and Policy programs, students, alumni, and faculty showcased their year of success with articles on summer internships, industry recognition, and exciting work in the classroom and in the field.
Through the publication, ESP student Mark Larkin reflected on his summer internship experience as an interpretive park ranger at Yellowstone National Park, while student Annie Britton wrote about her experience with NASA DEVELOP, including time spent evaluating climate impacts on rock pool water levels in the western Sonoran Desert. Britton and fellow student Makario Sarsozo completed the NASA DEVELOP summer internship in 2022. In February, they talked about their experiences in greater depth as guest speakers in a Sustainable Solutions event.
The GIS and ESP newsletter also recognized noteworthy alumni, including Scott Atkinson, who was selected to join the board of The Jane Goodall Institute, and MacKenzie Fox, whose volunteer work at GISCorps helped create a webmap that was shared with FEMA and other emergency organizations to aid in the response to Hurricane Ida. The newsletter also recognized ESP faculty member David Guggenheim for the publication in 2022 of his book, “The Remarkable Reefs of Cuba: Hopeful Stories from the Ocean Doctor.”
In addition, the annual recap included highlights of the speaker series “Sustainable Solutions” and “GIS After Dark,” personal accounts of summer field courses in Maine and California, and introductions to three new ESP faculty members: Rosemary Romero, Lama Elhatow, and Ibrahim Mohammed.