Critical Race Theory: Why You Should Care

Since its origins in the late 1970s, critical race theory (CRT) provided a broad framework for thinking about race in America. This framework covers core social science principles, but also narratives and parables to describe racial inequity. CRT formalizes ideas from a long history of American Black activism, making them easy to apply to other subjects. Since race impacts every aspect of social life in America, CRT is central to the Liberal Arts, and informs our understanding of the social science and humanities.

Anniversary program overview:

Founded in 1962, the Master of Liberal Arts at the Johns Hopkins University is celebrating its 60th anniversary. Come join Associate Director, Dr. Tristan Cabello, on a journey of celebration with the faculty and students of the Hopkins MLA program. With its diverse student body, the Hopkins MLA is home to students from different backgrounds, with numerous academic interests and with varied professional careers.

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